el fcukery chronicles

click: posts. | meet el. | ohh, pictures! | ya comments. | blah.

Oh, its you again.
For starters, I'm horrible w. this whole blogging thing. In fact, most the time I forget that I actually have one of these things, which came about due to my aesthetics class. But whatever. I personally don't feel like my life is that interesting to read about -- it's more of a "you had to be there" type lifestyles & if you unfortunately, didn't have the chance to be there then.. damn, you missed out. I have selective memory & only remember things that are beneficial to myself.. . so this blog is probably going to be very bias: always allowing myself to be the victim, while everyone & everything else is the bad guy. Yes, I'm a photographer but I'm the worst when it comes to carrying around my camera & snapping everything I do & then posting it w. a run down on what occured -- but for your sake.. . I'll think about doing it? Oh, and I will not have emotional breakdowns or put anyone on blast.. I have friends for that. If I'm sad, you won't know it. If I'm mad, you won't know it. The only thing you'll know is that school is officially over & for the next four months you have been given this grand opportunity to have a slight pass into my life & witness all the traveling, planning & fcukery I choose to expose to you. <bgsound src="http://www.astreetnyc.com/soundclips/everyonenose.mp3" loop="infinite">